Wednesday, August 27, 2008


there is no better time to restart a blog than birthday time. so here goes.

i'd first like to show appreciation to facebook for the well-wishes, and if any admin are reading this, i am having a fine day, thanks.

so yours truly, the overfed musician who is starting year three off of health insurance, is turning 24.


that means i am no longer anything less than 24. with less and less [hair] to look forward to, i can only imagine what this year holds for me. i don't want to annoy readers with philosophical banter or anything that depressing, but it's hard to see life progressing on the "up and up" (don't ask me what "up and up" means, i heard a proficient english speaker use it, so i feel as if that was safe).

many of us probably feel like our lives are pretty level, meaning that there aren't any huge moments of excitement or devastation. there are those who think that things are really going in their favor - but befriending someone like that is just as bad as befriending one who is always depressed. the only exception to the previous is charlie brown.

i would totally befriend charlie brown. oh good grief!

now that'll be 5 cents please.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

judging by the title of "re.up", i was hoping for a post about how awesome season 5 is..since you are watching it without the person that got you into it. i suppose addicts are less likely to share regardless of the bondship. like crackheads would never share crack. or 8ballers would never share H. cocaine seems like a semi-team sport. and weed is well, weed.

i also glanced at your previous post about dookie. and i have been unable to go in the last few days. dear abby, what should i do?